About Me
Hi – I’m Erin. I use she/her pronouns. I am originally from NC. I lived in St. Louis for 10 years and then moved out to Boulder, CO in 2013 (3 months before our epic flood).
I work at the intersection of community engagement, Earth science and information science. Over nearly two decades, I have honed an eclectic skillset both technical and managerial, creating communities and programs with lasting impact around science, data, and technology. I am passionate about fostering innovation through collaboration across diverse nodes.
After serving as the Executive Director for the Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP) from 2014-2020, I co-founded Metadata Game Changers, with co-founder, Dr. Ted Habermann, to champion open science and good data management. In this position, I facilitate collaboration, build communities and coach Open science leaders to expedite progress toward data interoperability and sharing.
With my collaborators, I am developing and understanding information infrastructures for Earth and environmental science applications to: (1) support field station researchers with better data management in the FAIR Island Project and (2) aide researchers using NASA Earth science data as they move analysis workflows to the Cloud in the NASA-Openscapes Project.
I am passionate about building and supporting collaborative communities. I received a M.Sc. degree in Environmental Engineering from Washington University in St. Louis in 2010 and focused on the integration of distributed datasets to characterize long-term transport of smoke and dust. I am pursuing a Ph.D. in Information Science based on these research activities at University of Colorado, Boulder in the Information Science department.

Check out my work

I speak on a variety of topics including data management across the project lifecycle and supporting research teams as they transition to more resilient data practices.

I am so lucky to work with Pat Chapman to create found-object, mixed media art.

I co-own Metadata Game Changers LLC with my husband, Ted Habermann. I am currently leading two projects:
- NASA Openscapes in collaboration with Julie Lowndes, UCSB
- FAIR Island Project

I am a 2nd year Ph.D. student in Information Science at CU Boulder. I am advised by Dr. Leysia Palen.
- Coursework
- Research